Pulling Heaven Down to Earth

How many of you are familiar with the “Tower of Babel?” You know, the Bible story of all the people building a huge tower that reached into the heavens. 
I found it for you here if you want to go back and reference it.

 Tower of Babel

I heard a prayer the other day from a gentleman, and he made this interesting comment during his prayer. He said, “We pull heaven down to earth.” I don’t remember exactly what the context was and why he said that, but that line stuck out to me. 
As I processed this phrase over and over the next few days I kept going back to this story of the Tower of Babel. But why?

Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

Genesis 11:4 NIV 

I realized that we have this kingdom thing backwards. We want to keep building, to keep elevating and to keep getting bigger to get closer to God. That’s the idea, right? To get closer to God?

In that verse above, they were building a tower to reach to the heavens for themselves. Not to get closer to God. They wanted to “make a name for ourselves.” 

Then my own story started to come into full picture.

How often do I build up, build better, build bigger, to get “closer to God?”

Is this not just the practice of doing works and not living a life that is sacrificial.

The Tower of Babel is a representation of our lives. We build these big kingdoms for ourselves and try to elevate ourselves. The higher we get, the closer we get to God, right? Wrong. The higher we get the more of a god-like complex we develop. One in which we know best. The higher we get the thinner the air and the less we can think clearly. We get blinded by greed, by power, by control.

In the pursuit of building a tower to the heavens, we build a monument of ourselves.

We pull heaven down to earth is a perfect way of saying what Jesus told us to pray.

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10 NIV

When we reach up to the heavens and pull heaven down to earth there is not a building up of anything. In fact, that act is a surrender. A surrender of our earthly ways, of our earthly desires and passions. We are calling for it to be done here on earth as it is in heaven. That way could look, feel and be so much different.

The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language, they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

Genesis 11:6 NIV

God says something very powerful in this verse.

“Nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.”

WOW! That’s powerful.

But are we using that power for good?

Are we building our own kingdoms for ourselves, our ego, our own glory?

Or are we pulling heaven down to earth to highlight the glory and goodness of God?

Where in your life have you found yourself building your own kingdom? You can share your thoughts here

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Three Little Birds