Full Moon Pt. 2

Last Wednesday I shared a thought and an idea that the Full Moon is a bit of a “nightlight.”

That even in the darkness, God gives us light. If you missed it and want to read it, I’ve linked it for you here.

In the message last week, I told you that the next full moon would be on 3/25.

Well, that day was special to me. 

  1. It was a Monday. As a kid I would read the Sunday comics in the newspaper every week. My favorite was Garfield. You would think his loathing of Mondays would have rubbed off. But it didn’t. I am the guy who likes Mondays. Look forward to them even. 

  2. It was my birthday. As I have gotten older and tried to appreciate things more, I have fallen in love with Sunsets and Full Moons. This year someone asked me what I wanted for my birthday, and I replied, “I just want it to be a beautiful day, and I want to be able to see the full moon.” In fact, I was praying for that. Every day for about a week that has been my prayer for that day. 

When I woke up and was going through my normal morning routine, I checked the weather before heading out to the gym. I looked at the moon section in the weather app and it said the full moon would be at its peak at 6:54am. It was 6:24 and I was going to be in my gym, with the garage door open and ready to bask in the glory of it. 

I opened the garage door to get started, and clouds. Everywhere. A storm is blowing through and so the clouds were just covering the sky in every direction. No moon.
I spent the next 45 minutes working out and peaking outside every 5-10 minutes to see if maybe it would reveal itself. Even just for a moment. I ended the workout and still just clouds in the sky. I was bummed. Disappointed even. As I was cleaning up though, I got this thought.
Even when we can’t see the full moon, it is unequivocally there. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the moon is just hiding behind the clouds. It didn’t take a day off, maybe because the moon doesn’t like Monday’s, or choose to not rotate around the earth that day. 

It was there. I just couldn’t see it. 

As I reflected these 3 thoughts came to my mind that I needed to hear. 

  1. Just because I can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there. Kind of like God. Just because I don’t see him doesn’t mean he isn’t there. Working, planning, watching. 

  2. There will be another full moon. I don’t need to be disappointed that I didn’t see it today. 

  3. Just because he didn’t answer my prayer doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care. I also can use this as a reminder that sometimes prayers aren’t answered in my timing. 

I hope as you read this today you get some encouragement. That not everything always works out the way we want. And that’s ok. But if we focus to much on what’s missing we forget to reflect on what we do have, or even what’s right behind the clouds. 

P.S. - I was out late last night, and guess what I got to see? An almost full moon. Sure I was a day late to seeing it, but it was still big and beautiful and lit up the sky. A great reminder that God does answer prayers, just in his own timing.  And even though it was an imperfect full moon, it was still a perfect moment. 

Share your full moon or night-light stories with us here

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When the light is on


Full Moon