Full Moon

I saw a full moon the other morning.

I was on my way somewhere and it was still early enough that the sun hadn’t come up. And up in the sky as I turn off the interstate was the moon. Big, bold, bright. A full moon! 

I always enjoy seeing a full moon. Every time I see one, I google it and find out if it’s full or if I’m a day or two early or late. This day it was perfectly full. In fact, I was just an hour away from the peak of it being a full moon. 

This full moon lit up the surrounding area while I was driving and gave plenty of light, even before the Sun had decided to make its appearance that day. This was a bright bulb in the sky. Like a “night-light.” 

Night-light definition: a light that is not bright and is kept on during the night, especially in a child's room.

It is designed to be a form of comfort, security, peace that if you wake up, you’ll be able to see the world around you. Did you ever think of the moon as a night light? To light up our world when it is dark. 

This verse immediately jumped out at me, 

God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:16-18 NIV

I’ve read this many times. But something stuck out to me today as I gazed upon the full moon.

Even in the darkness, God found a way to give us light.

The moon may not have the same characteristics of the sun. It may not be able to produce heat or give life the ability to grow. It may not be as bright or as hot. It also is not a star! But it still shines. Very brightly. Especially when it is full. 

In our journeys through different seasons of life, they can feel very dark. I’ve written about many of mine and you’ve shared stories of your dark nights and dark seasons. But I want you to remember this,

Even in darkness, God found a way to give us light.

It may not always look like a full moon. Sometimes it may be a waning or waxing crescent (little moon phase talk 😉.) But regardless of how much light there is, it is never completely dark. And that is because Jesus is with us. 

In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:4-5 NIV

John opens his book telling us who Jesus is. Jesus was the light of all mankind. The light that shines in the darkness. When I look at the moon, I can be reminded that it is Jesus that brings light into darkness. No matter how heavy the burden is that I carry, no matter how dark the path is in front of me, I can remember that the darkness does not prevail, and that Jesus defeated it. 

Tonight, or this morning if it’s still dark, go outside and look up. Look for God’s nightlight. And remember… 

Even in the darkness, God gives us light.

Want to see the next full moon? Check it out in just 5 days on March 25th.

Share your full moon or night-light stories with us here

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Full Moon Pt. 2


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