Life Is Unfair - Part 4

Life is Unfair!

That’s the punchline. It’s what you’ve spend the previous three weeks reading about. 
I think we can all agree that we feel this. Whether currently or in the past, we have all had moments where we have said, life is unfair.

We’ve talked about how you can be doing all the right things, and yet life doesn’t seem to go the way you want.

We discussed how going out of your way to do good works and live a good life doesn’t always mean that you will see a reward from that.

And lastly, we shared about how bad things happen to good people, and how incredibly unfair and demoralizing that can be.  

“However, while the unfairness of life may seem like something to be upset about, consider this: if life were fair, then everyone would receive the just reward for his or her actions. Everyone has sinned, and the just consequence for every sinful action is immediate, eternal separation from God. Thankfully, Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for humanity’s sins, rose from the grave and made life completely unfair. Now, everyone who has ever sinned has the opportunity to go to heaven through belief in Jesus. In a fair life, no such opportunity for grace would exist. Everyone would have to receive punishment for their actions. Instead, God gives out grace and mercy unconditionally.”

(The Jesus Bible)

Jesus made life completely unfair. The rightful consequences for our actions, he paid the price for. The rightful debts that we owe to our creator and father God, he settled them. When we approach the throne of God our father to stand in judgement for our lives, we are hoping to hear the words, “Well done good and faithful servant.” 
Jesus will have covered us with the cloak of righteousness before we stand in front of his father so he won’t be seeing us, he will be seeing Jesus. The Human One. The one who paid the debts. The one who made life unfair. 
And we will stand there, and he will say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” But we will know he is speaking to his son. To Jesus. 

As I share this with you, I also get a sense that if there is anyone to complain about life being unfair it would be Jesus.

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.

Hebrews 4:15 NIV

He is the rightful one to complain. To lament. To be upset with the ways of the world. Yet he didn’t complain. He instead chose to die for us. 

Life is unfair and there is suffering, pain and heartache all throughout every one of our stories. But as believers we do not have to depend on comfortable circumstances as a barometer indicating right standing with the Lord. We should press into the suffering as a way to embrace the unfairness of life.

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;”

Romans 5:3 NIV

Human suffering or happiness in this life is not proportional to people’s sins or good works. Wicked people get away with things at times, and sometimes righteous people suffer things they don’t deserve.

But those who suffer he delivers in their suffering; he speaks to them in their affliction.

Job 36:15 NIV

Job was delivered not from his suffering, but through his suffering.

“Sin, made life on earth unfair - but God, in his grace, allows this sinful, unfair world to continue, creating time for sinners to accept his gracious offer of reconciliation through Christ.”

(The Jesus Bible)

All the sinful unfairness of this broken world pales in comparison to the gracious unfairness of salvation, which God lovingly makes available through Jesus’ death and resurrection.  

Life is unfair.

And I’m thankful that it is.

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Our Weakest Moments


Life Is Unfair - Part 3