Life is Unfair - part 2

I have this belief that if I am just a good son, a good man, a good person, then it will all work out. That all the good things that are supposed to happen will happen.

Life is fair like that right?

I have believed this lie for a long time. This false belief that if I do good things, then good things should happen to me. In fact, I’d be willing to bet that you have held this belief at times.

In my life I have never worked harder at my relationship with God than ever before. Like I mentioned last week I am doing all the things. So why then does it feel like things just don’t work out? And then there is this verse.

“Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.”

Ephesians 2:9 NLT

I get stuck so often in what I am doing. My capabilities, my strengths, my talents. There are a lot of my’s and I’s in that sentence. But it’s because I’m looking for the glory. I’m looking for the opportunity to boast. 

Look at me.

Look what I did.

Look how successful I am.

“No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength.”

Psalms 33:16 NIV

“Great are the works of the LORD; they are pondered by all who delight in them.”

Psalms 111:2 NIV

These verses point out the point that Paul is making to the Ephesians. You can’t get the reward through YOUR works.

So, wait a second. Paul is saying that someone working hard at being a good person and someone who is being a bad person are both equally saved.

That can’t be right.

That’s not fair.

No way God created a system like that.

And that is the lie that we believe. That God created that system. That he tolerates evil, sin, destruction. A false belief that we tell ourselves to make us feel better about our own sin.

But the reality is “Life is not fair.” Bad things happen to good people. And good things happen to bad people. We live in a broken world, and these are the consequences of that.

But to leave you some light here at the end of this tunnel. Paul says that “Salvation is not a reward for good things we have done.” It is only through the works of Jesus that we get salvation.

So, remember that this week.

That what you are DOING is less important than what you are allowing Jesus TO DO in your life.

Let the works be done through you to glorify Jesus.

Don’t take the credit.

That’s not fair! Maybe not.

But stay tuned for part 3 as we continue this journey on “Life is unfair.”

I think you’re going to love how the story unfolds.

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Life Is Unfair - Part 3


Life is Unfair - part 1