Life is Unfair - part 1

I’ve been doing all the things.

I’ve built routines around waking up, reading the word, praying. I’ve taken up fasting, continued to tithe, and am going to church.

I’m doing all the things that are “required” of me.

And yet…

I feel like my life has gotten harder. Nothing in this past season seems to be getting easier. Relationships have been and are currently falling apart. My emotions are all over the place. My highs are so few and far between I don’t know that I could recognize them. And my lows seem to be the deepest pits and I’m falling into them often. Feels like I just live in the valley of the lows sometimes.

But I’m DOING all the things. It doesn’t feel fair that things aren’t getting better or easier.

Have you felt like that? Am I alone? Feeling like I’ve been doing everything I think I’m supposed to do. And yet everything seems to be falling apart.

Maybe it’s the false belief that if I just try hard, do my best, it will all work out. Well, it’s not working out. At least in some areas. The most important areas. I’m a mess.

I found this verse about suffering, and I don’t know if it gives me comfort or adds to my pain.

“Some sat in darkness, in utter darkness, prisoners suffering in iron chains,”

Psalms 107:10 NIV

When I read verses, I usually don’t take them at face value. I always want to know context. It is the nerd in me for sure. So, I went back to read this chapter. And I found this:

“Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe,”

Psalms 107:2 NIV

This verse is the 2nd verse of this chapter. I am the redeemed of the Lord.

I’m already redeemed.

I’m already rescued.

I’m already chosen.

This is an invitation to tell my story. To lament the parts of my story that I’m unhappy with, displeased with or just feel like I’m getting an unfair shake at things.

I say this out loud as I write, and I do believe it. But I don’t want to agree with it right now. It feels unfair. That if I have been chosen, rescued, redeemed, why all the pain and struggle still? 

I’m going to leave you with a line that I give my four children all the time…

“Life’s not fair!”

That is neither reassuring nor helpful to me in this moment. I can’t imagine it will be to you.

But stay tuned for the next few Wednesday ONE’s.

I’ve got a lot to unpack on this and I think you’re going to find some peace behind this adage of “Life’s not fair.”

Does “Life’s not fair” resonate with you? Share your thoughts here

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Life is Unfair - part 2


Holding on…