What are you afraid to receive?

Why do we have such a fear of asking for help? 

Do you need directions? - Nope

Do you need help carrying that heavy box? - Nope

Do you need help hanging that TV? - Nope

Do you need help with your addictions? - Nope

Do you need help in your relationships? - Nope


The most common answer to this question of why we don’t ask for help is generally always this,

“I don’t want people to think I’m weak or not capable.” 

I think that is a lie we tell ourselves. I believe that it is really that we are afraid to receive.

When we receive, we have to become vulnerable. When we open ourselves up to receive, we open ourselves up to be seen, to be heard, to be known. We also leave space for people to show us grace and love us for who we are. 

That is terrifying.

Because if people really knew who I was, they wouldn’t love me. 

There is another lie we tell ourselves.


By asking for help we are not submitting that we are weak or incapable. Instead, we are standing in strength in our vulnerability, with open hands and an open heart, willing to receive.


For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:8

And if you need to be seen, to be heard, to be known, that is what we are here for at The Human One! We would love to walk with you and be a support system for you as you work on realizing your true identity of being Human. You can reach out to us here

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Your contribution goes directly towards partnering with the mental health community, providing not just apparel but a new outlook for those struggling to piece their mirror back together. Each donation is a step towards changing a life, offering a new perspective, and echoing the humanity of Jesus in the most practical, loving way.

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Jesus is The Human One and we believe there is no better way to see him than in his humanity. If you have questions about that, we would love to walk with you in knowing him more.

Connect with us @thehumanone on Instagram and TikTok or online at www.thehumanone.com

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P.S. Every donation, big or small, makes a significant impact. Let's unite in bringing a new narrative of hope and identity to those in need.


He met me where I was at - Pt. 2