A Storm in Every Season

Music does something to all of us. For me, it resonates deep in my soul. It brings out the parts of me that are trapped behind bars of fear, shame, disappointment, frustration, guilt, hurt, wounds. These cages that I’ve built over the years from people’s words and actions towards me or from me, that have shaped me to feel less than, to feel unworthy and insignificant. These emotions have been tucked away, shoved down deep, and hidden from all to see. Sometimes even I don’t know they are there anymore. Music, however, has this way of bringing them to the surface. Like an air bubble rising from the deepest parts the ocean. The rhythm and beat of a song, maybe the lyrics or the chorus, they combine to release these bubbles and allow them to come to the surface. As they expand on their ascent and eventually pop when they reach the top, you are confronted with these moments of realization that you needed more than you could ever know.

Recently this song did this for me. It’s called Safe by The Brevet. Check it out here.

I’ve recently gotten hooked on this band. They have a super rad sound and some amazing lyrics.

But this song hit different the other day. Specifically, this:

There’s a storm in every season and a reason why you’re standing where you’re at

It’s a reminder that no great journey, adventure or story comes without some challenge. Storms are inevitable. Sometimes they come on schedule with lots of notice and plenty of time to prepare. Other times they come swiftly, without notice and wreak havoc. Regardless though, there is a reason why you go through them. Sometimes we immediately know the reasons, maybe we are a bit of the cause of some of the storms of our life. Other times we don’t know why we go through them; we just have to endure it.

The next verses that come immediately after this though are a great reminder that we aren’t alone in the storm.

But if you take my hand, keep your head down low, there’s a promise land, in the great unknown. When the world gets dark, when the nights get cold, when times are uncertain, lay down your burdens.

I immediately thought of The Human One, Jesus, when I heard this part.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

Matthew 11:28

We have a friend, a brother, a savior that will take our hand and never let go. He will weather the storm with us and for us. When everything in the natural says we should be picked up, thrown around, swallowed by the storm, Jesus comes alongside, holds our hands, and allows us to stand securely in it.

We would love to hear your stories of how you have faced storms in your life? Share those here

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Jesus is The Human One and we believe there is no better way to see him than in his humanity. If you have questions about that, we would love to walk with you in knowing him more.

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He met me where I was at


When the light is on