Looking Forward

As I sit down to write this week Wednesday ONE, I have been fixated with this thought of Looking Forward. To a new year, to new goals, and to new challenges.

A new year for me is always a great place for a new beginning.
To start fresh.
I’m looking forward to that.
A clean slate.
Also…this year 1/1 is on a Monday. What are the chances? (I’m sure someone out there knows the percentage and chances of this happening.) I love Monday’s. I may be a minority on that sentiment. At least I know Garfield would vehemently disagree with me. Regardless, I love them. And so, looking forward to next year I am excited that on a Monday we get to start a new year. Also, we get an extra day in 2024! Yes, that’s right. 366 days in 2024. Everyone who has a birthday on 2/29 get to have a birthday this year. Those are just a few things that are to come in the new year.

New goals are always fun. It is always such a big thing for us Americans to set “new year’s resolutions.” Just a fancy way of setting some goals that we would like to accomplish as the new year comes.
As I look forward, I have some big goals for 2024.
My most important goal is that I steward this business well.
That I continue to listen to the Lord.
To use wise counsel and discernment to best advance and move this forward.
To not get defeated by the ups and downs.
To learn new things, challenge myself, get out of my comfort zone and push to do things counter to culture.

But in all things, I just want to serve the Lord and honor him in everything I do with The Human One!

After all, the business has his name on it.

New challenges are inevitable. This whole process has been a challenge. From quitting my career job, to leaving a place that I called home for 35 years, to starting over, the past 18 months have been nothing short of a challenge. And yet here I am. 16 weeks in to writing The Wednesday ONE I’ve found so many good and different challenges in it. But the challenge is the best part. I wrote a few weeks back about growth and these challenges sure have made me grow. I’m looking forward to challenges of many different sizes. Some will be small, like the size of a mustard seed, while others will be big, the size of mountains.

“He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Matthew 17:20 NIV

Regardless of the size of the challenge, or type of challenge, I will face it head on. With Jesus, The Human One, on my side. My right side.


I’m looking forward to the final 5 days of the year.

I’m looking forward to 2024.

I’m looking forward to how Jesus is going to show up in my life, in your lives and in the lives of the people we are hoping to help in the new year.

It is the last Wednesday of the year and I wanted to end by saying Thank You. You’ve stuck around for the past 16 weeks. I love doing them. I’ve had so much fun and am grateful that you’ve been along for the journey.

Here is to Looking Forward!

Share your story of how you are looking forward here.  We would love to hear your stories.

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Jesus is The Human One and we believe there is no better way to see him than in his humanity. If you have questions about that, we would love to walk with you in knowing him more.

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Realistic Expectations… not Resolutions


Is there room?