This Isn’t About Us.

We Want To Tell THEIR Story.

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.” - Matthew 13:44

We Are On A Mission To See Their Story Change

As a nonprofit ministry, The Human One is devoted to reaching out to people, no matter what their background, situation or circumstance might be. We believe in the transformative power of love, kindness and generosity, and we live to serve others by clothing them with a new identity - one rooted in faith, hope and purpose.

Our mission is simple yet all-encompassing: to share The Human One with the world.

We believe everyone deserves a chance to hear about the life-changing love of Jesus, and we are committed to finding creative and impactful ways to make that happen. Whether it's through supporting missions, working with people in recovery, or simply being kind to a stranger, our goal is always the same: to live out the Great Commission by being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Finding Ways To Give Back

One thing we are passionate about at The Human One is finding ways to give back to our community. We know that there are countless people who could use a helping hand, and we are always on the lookout for opportunities to make a positive impact. Whether it's partnering with a local organization to serve those in need, or coming up with our own unique ways to give back, we are always looking for ways to be generous and kind.

A Ministry Of Transformation

At the heart of The Human One is a deep desire to tell the stories of those whose lives have been transformed by the power of Jesus. We know that there are countless people who have overcome incredible obstacles and found hope in the midst of despair, and we want to share those stories with the world.

Whether it's someone who has come out of prison and found a new purpose, or someone who has traveled to a third-world country on a missions trip, we believe every story has the power to inspire, encourage and uplift.

At the end of the day, The Human One isn't about us - it's about the people we serve. Every person is a beloved child of God, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to help them see that truth for themselves.

Will You Join Us?

Help us clothe a generation of people walking with The Human One.

"With an incredible mission and rad designs i love TH1! Plus these might be the highest quality shirts i've worn in a long time."


"I love the message behind the brand. The shirts are good quality, they are soft cotton t-shirts that fit to size. The hats are dope that match with the clothing. And it’s a great conversation piece when people ask about what i’m wearing so it allows me to deliver the message of Jesus through clothing…. Shipping is almost instant! "


"I stumbled upon The Human One and found an incredible message of hope and encouragement. I wear my shirts and am excited when people ask me about them."
